88 resultados para Prasiola crispa


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Fundamental analytical pyrolysis studies of biomass from Polar seaweeds, which exhibit a different biomass composition than terrestrial and micro-algae biomass were performed via thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and pyrolysis-gas chromatography/mass-spectrometry (Py-GC/MS). The main reason for this study is the adaptation of these species to very harsh environments making them an interesting source for thermo-chemical processing for bioenergy generation and production of biochemicals via intermediate pyrolysis. Several macroalgal species from the Arctic region Kongsfjorden, Spitsbergen/Norway (Prasiola crispa, Monostroma arcticum, Polysiphonia arctica, Devaleraea ramentacea, Odonthalia dentata, Phycodrys rubens, Sphacelaria plumosa) and from the Antarctic peninsula, Potter Cove King George Island (Gigartina skottsbergii, Plocamium cartilagineum, Myriogramme manginii, Hymencladiopsis crustigena, Kallymenia antarctica) were investigated under intermediate pyrolysis conditions. TGA of the Polar seaweeds revealed three stages of degradation representing dehydration, devolatilization and decomposition of carbonaceous solids. The maximum degradation temperatures Prasiola crispa were observed within the range of 220-320 C and are lower than typically obtained by terrestrial biomass, due to divergent polysaccharide compositions. Biochar residues accounted for 33-46% and ash contents of 27-45% were obtained. Identification of volatile products by Py-GC/MS revealed a complexity of generated chemical compounds and significant differences between the species. A widespread occurrence of aromatics (toluene, styrene, phenol and 4-methylphenol), acids (acetic acid, benzoic acid alkyl ester derivatives, 2-propenoic acid esters and octadecanoic acid octyl esters) in pyrolysates was detected. Ubiquitous furan-derived products included furfural and 5-methyl-2-furaldehyde. As a pyran-derived compound maltol was obtained by one red algal species (P. rubens) and the monosaccharide d-allose was detected in pyrolysates in one green algal (P. crispa). Further unique chemicals detected were dianhydromannitol from brown algae and isosorbide from green algae biomass. In contrast, the anhydrosugar levoglucosan and the triterpene squalene was detected in a large number of pyrolysates analysed. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Several clinic evaluations have been possible with radiobiocomplexes labeled with technetium-99m (99mTc). Some natural and synthetic drugs are capable of to interfere on the labeling of blood constituents with 99mTc, as well as on the biodistribution of radiobiocomplexes. Authors have also reported about the toxicity of several natural products. The aim of this study was to compare the effects of the Mentha crispa (hortelã) and of the Hypericum perforatum (hipérico) in different experimental models. On the labeling of red blood cells (RBC) and plasma and cellular proteins with 99mTc, both extracts were capable of to decrease the radioactivity percentage on the cellular compartment and on the fixation on plasma and cellular proteins. On the morphometry of the RBC, only the hortelã was capable to alter the shape and the perimeter/area ratio of the RBC. On the biodistribution of the radiobiocomplex sodium pertechnetate (Na99mTcO4), the hortelã increased the Na99mTcO4 distribution in the kidney, spleen, liver and thyroid, meanwhile the hipérico decreased the Na99mTcO4 distribution in the bone, stomach, lungs and thyroid, and increased the Na99mTcO4 distribution in the pancreas. On the bacterial cultures survival, the hipérico was capable of to protect the bacteria against the stannous chloride (SnCl2) effect. The hipérico did not alter the topology of plasmidial DNA and did not protect the plasmidial DNA against the SnCl2 action. Probably, the effects presented by both extracts could be due to chemical compounds of the extracts that could alter the morphology of the RBC and the plasma membrane ions transport, and/or by phytocomplexes that could be formed with different effects dependent on the biological system considered


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There is little research on the practices of sanitary inspection in the chain of production of vegetables to the consumer, especially those eaten raw, they are liable to serve microorganism such as bacteria, fungi and parasites, contributing to possible health hazards. The aim of this study was to assess qualitatively contamination by parasites and / or commensals of medical interest in lettuce leaves (Lactuca sativa) fresh market in the municipality of Quata Sao Paulo. A total of 15 random samples were analyzed every other day of the three different places that sell vegetables a grocery store, a supermarket and a vegetable garden during the month of May 2011. The parasites and / or commensals found in lettuce were Entamoeba coli (67%), Entamoeba histolytica (20%), Giardia sp (13%) and Ascaris lumbricoides (7%). The analysis showed the presence of parasites and / or commensals in all samples, except in the cultivated garden which showed poor sanitary conditions, probably due to contamination in the shipping and handling by third parties in supermarket and grocery store. The parasite monitoring sanitary conditions of vegetables sold in urban environments becomes relevant for preventive measures to avoid the continued parasitic cycle and possible future health complications.


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Thesis (doctoral)--Universitat Breslau.


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Amomg the 30 known species of the algal family Prasiolaceae (Prasiolales, Chlorophyta), nine marine species have been found in marine environments but none in China seas. We reported here two new species Prasiola fangchengensis Luan et Ding sp. nov. and Prasiola volcanica Luan et Ding sp. nov. from subtropical coastal water of southern China.


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Vegetative and reproductive development of some European and Californian species of Laurencia Lamouroux (Ceramiales, Rhodophyta), L. obtusa (Hudson) Lamouroux, L. spectabilis Postels et Ruprecht, L. crispa Hollenberg, L. osmunda (S.G. Gmelin) Maggs et Hommersand, L. pinnatifida (Hudson) Lamouroux and L. truncata Kutzing, is investigated on the basis of liquid-preserved and herbarium specimens. The latter five species share several features, but they differ distinctly from L. obtusa, the lectotype of the genus, in essential anatomical characters of vegetative and male reproductive structures and tetrasporangial development. In these five species each vegetative axial segment produces two rather than four pericentral cells, and spermatangial branches (filaments) are produced in apical pits of branchlets from apical and epidermal cells rather than from trichoblasts arising from axial cells. The spermatangial branches are usually branched alternately and usually terminate in a cluster of several large sterile vesicular cells, rather than being branched dichotomously and terminating in a single, or occasionally a row of two, large sterile vesicular cells as in L. obtusa. Apical spermatangial pits of fertile male branchlets (except for those in L. truncata) are pocket- (or urn)-shaped, with an ostiole-like upper opening, rather than cup- (or bowl)-shaped. In these five species tetrasporangia are produced laterally from random epidermal cells rather than abaxially from particular pericentral cells (the third and fourth ones) as in L. obtusa, and the two presporangial cover cells are aligned parallel rather than transverse to the stichidial axis in surface view. These important differences strongly suggest that L. spectabilis, L. crispa, L. osmunda, L. pinnatifida and L. truncata occupy a phylogenetically different position from L. obtusa, and lead to the conclusion that the genus Osmundea Stackhouse, which was based on 0. expansa Stackhouse, nom. illeg. (= Laurencia osmunda) and which has been a nomen rejiciendum as an earlier facultative synonym of Laurencia, should be resurrected. Emendations of the generic criteria of Laurencia and Osmundea are proposed here, and relevant nomenclatural changes for several Laurencia species are also included.


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Ce projet porte sur la reconstitution paléo-écologique d'un environnement forestier fossile retrouvé sur un plateau au sud-ouest de l'île Bylot. Il a comme objectifs 1) de préciser la chrono-stratigraphie du site; 2) d’établir une liste et une succession des différents taxons polliniques retrouvés dans les différentes unités stratigraphiques du site; 3) d’estimer leur âge et 4) d’en inférer des conditions climatiques (température et précipitations). Plusieurs coupes stratigraphiques ont été excavées puis échantillonnées afin de réaliser des analyses stratigraphiques, paléomagnétiques et polliniques. Un GPS différentiel fut également utilisé afin de caractériser à petite et grande échelle les unités stratigraphiques associées aux unités organiques fossiles. Les résultats des analyses granulométriques indiquent la séquence de dépôt suivante au sein d’une dépression dans la roche en place (schiste tertiaire) : 1) un diamicton glaciaire local ; 2) un sédiment limoneux d’origine glacio-lacustre ; 3) une unité organique tourbeuse; 4) une unité de type alluvial ; 5) un sédiment fluvio-glaciaire et 6) un diamicton glaciaire d’origine allochtone. Les analyses polliniques suggèrent une végétation similaire à celle présente près de la limite des arbres actuelle, environ 2000 km plus au sud. Les conditions climatiques plus humides et plus chaudes permettaient notamment la croissance du pin (Pinus type strobus et banksiana), de l’épinette (Picea cf. mariana), de l’aulne (type crispa et incana) et du mélèze (Larix, indifférencié). Enfin, les études paléomagnétiques et la présence d’espèces éteintes suggèrent un âge pour les dépôts organiques fossiles situé entre 2,14 et 2,15 Ma ou entre 2,581 et 3,040 Ma.


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O gênero Baccharis pertence a subtribo Baccharidinae, tribo Astereae, família Asteraceae. Foram investigadas oito espécies de Baccharis pertencentes a seção Caulopterae, do ponto de vista químico e biológico. As espécies B. articulata, B. crispa, B. cf. milleflora, B. microcephala, B. myriocephala, B. stenocephala, B. trimera e B. usterii foram analisadas quanto a composição química de seu óleo volátil por CG e CG/EM. A maioria das espécies apresentou predominância de sesquiterpenos, com exceção das duas espécies bialadas estudadas, B. articulata e B. stenocephala, as quais apresentaram quantidades apreciáveis do monoterpeno -pineno, e da espécie farmacopeica, B. trimera, com a predominância de acetato de carquejila. Devido a dificuldade na diferenciação das espécies B. trimera e B. crispa por meio de caracteres morfo-anatômicos, estas tiveram a composição química de seu volátil acompanhada ao longo de diferente épocas e locais de coleta. Os extratos hexânicos destas espécies foram também analisados por CG e CG/EM a fim de detectar a presença de acetato de carquejila em amostras coletadas no Brasil e Argentina. Os resultados sugerem a presença de acetato de carquejila como um marcador da espécie B. trimera. Os óleos voláteis de B. articulata, B. crispa, B. microcephala, B. myriocephala, B. trimera e B. usterii foram investigados quanto a atividade antimicrobiana pelo método da bioautografia e todas elas apresentaram alguma atividade. Os óleos voláteis de B. articulata, B. crispa e B. trimera apresentaram fraca atividade antinflamatória in vitro pelo método da câmara de Boyden modificada. A DL50 do óleo de B. trimera foi investigada via intraperitoneal em camundongos e calculada em 0,915 g/kg A partir do extrato aquoso de B. usterii, foram isolados seis ácidos cafeoilquínicos. Quando comparados por CLAE acoplada a técnicas de identificação "on-line", os extratos aquosos de B. trimera, B. crispa e B. usterii apresentaram os seis ácidos em comum. O extrato aquoso de B. trimera diferenciou-se dos demais pela presença de flavonóides, em especial, nepetina. Os três extratos aquosos apresentaram atividade antioxidante frente a DPPH, sendo esta atividade também detectada nos seis ácidos cafeoilquínicos isoladamente.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Apex and basal cuttings of Lamiaceae plants (Mentha crispa L., Mentha piperita L. and Salvia officinalis L.) were submitted to rooting assay. The effects of water, H3BO3, KH2PO4, ZnSO 4 and KNO3 solutions on the formation of adventitious roots were studied in greenhouse conditions. The root morphology parameters were determined after the rooting processes. Salvia officinalis did not produce adventitious roots under the experimental conditions. Apex or basal cuttings showed similar rooting development. The root volume and length were more influencied by KNO3 and H3BO3 solutions than diameter and root surface area.


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This work deals with present and discuss mainly the chemical composition and pharmacological activities of each species of the National List of Medicinal plants of interest to SUS (RENISUS) contained in scientific articles that are found in the Bauru-SP region. Such information compiled in this study may help in the advancement of scientific research, promoting the speed in bibliographic queries these species. In the present work was carried out consultation papers and described in the form of literature review, published information of the species listed in Renisus specific to the Bauru-SP region are: Aloe spp* (A. vera or A. barbadensis), Schinus terebinthifolius = mastic Schinus, trimera Baccharis, Mikania spp* (M. glomerata and M. laevigata), Vernonia condensata, Tabebuia avellanedeae, Chenopodium ambrosioides, Momordica charantia, Phyllanthus spp* (P. amarus, P. niruri, P. tenellus and P. urinaria), Stryphnodendron adstringens = Stryphnodendron barbatimam, pulegium Mentha, Mentha spp* (M. crispa, M. piperita or M. villosa), Plectranthus barbatus = Coleus barbatus, Persea spp* (gratissima or P. americana P.), Bauhinia spp* (B. affinis, B. forficata or B. variegata), Copaifera spp*, Morus sp*, Eugenia uniflora or brasiliana Myrtus*, Psidium guajava, Syzygium spp* (S. jambolanum or S. cumini), Passiflora spp* (P. alata, P. edulis or P. incarnata), Punica granatum and Casearia sylvestris. Studies have shown that the use of plants as alternatives treatment and sustainable use of Brazilian biodiversity has a breakthrough in research regarding the chemical composition of each species of RENISUS relationship. Many phytochemical studies are reported compiled with possible pharmacological indications of each species. Thus enabling the use and production of herbal medicines in SUS


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El presente trabajo pretende mostrar los efectos del recorrido de la lectura de una de las formas canónicas en la que la historia eligió para decirse y fijarse en la memoria latinoamericana en el campo literario: la crónica, texto que dinamiza, polemiza y crispa la literatura, la historia y el periodismo. El acontecimiento buscó su forma de decirse desde las crónicas de los conquistadores, en un devenir significativo, que según épocas, provoca ondulaciones en una travesía constante y vigente. Esta vigencia de la forma es la que impone la reflexión de cómo, desde la implantación de la crónica como traducción del asombro de un enunciador que transfigura lo visto y lo oído desde el siglo XV se sostiene por su base, el tiempo, que encuentra las mismas coordenadas, hoy: la extrañeza y la puesta en escena del hecho en el tiempo. Elementos que en su conjunción fijan huellas de aconteceres que la memoria latinoamericana pone en acción para entender, iluminar recortes, actualizar y reactualizar la realidad social de América Latina, en una escritura para ser leída desde la subjetividad del cronista pero que tensiona lo genérico, el arte de narrar y los campos literario, histórico y periodístico. Los materiales que se analizan conforman un corpus de lecturas de Crónicas de Indias y de crónicas de autores contemporáneos latinoamericanos con el propósito de acercar una mirada a un modo de escribir el mundo